Gustave, histoire de goût: $35 for a $50 Gift-Certificate (30% Off)
Tuango Montreal Deal of the Day: Gustave, histoire de goût: $35 for a $50 gift-certificate applicable on the entirety of the food and drinks menu for dinner
Buy now for only $35
Value $50
What you get
- $35 for a $50 gift-certificate applicable on the entirety of the food and drinks menu for dinner at the superb restaurant Gustave, histoire de goût
- Jean-François Plante’s new adventure!
- Delicious French cuisine, mixing local flavors with Mediterranean influences
- A well-studied wine list
- Tasteful decor, designed by Zébulon Perron
- Located on rue Maisonneuve, downtown Montreal
This is a limited time offer while quantities last so don’t miss out!
Click here to buy now or for more details about the deal.
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